Exhibition stand builders

AquaNor Exhibition Stand Construction - Hire Professional Services for Norvegian Exhibitions


Find Exhibition Stand Construction Services Suppliers and More for Aqua Nor Stockholm
The latest improvements in aquaculture technology. Modern aquaculture is today comprehension industry with very advanced technology. This is correct in all fields: in breeding, feed and feeding regimes, biomass control, construction and operation of floating cages, nets, safety equipment, well boats, handling of fish, veterinary medicine, vaccines etc. The very latest innovations are presented at Aqua Nor trade show taking place in Trondheim, Norway.


Among the more important targets for international acting companies engaging in an exhibition is creating brand exposure. With appealing exhibition stands, they not only focus on attention. They carry out and expose also the exceptional characteristics of the brand. Once they develop a design focusing on leadership and brand recognition.
Through Activteam, the exhibitors targets go further than product demonstration and sales, precisely, simply because the exhibition stand design indicate a level of prestige.

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Create an Exhibition Booth That is More Than a Physical Construction

In today's highly competitive marketplace, to stay ahead, exhibitors need to distinguish themselves and in fact differentiate from the rest, with a clear, distinct, and desirable image that matters.

Experienced and competent exhibition booth designers cooperating with our exhibition marketers that have the know-how, the ability to perform intelligent and impressive concepts. Contact our project management team.

Activteam designs and build exhibition booths Europe wide:

Germany: Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hanover, Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Dortmund, Essen, Friedrichshafen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg, Stuttgart - UK: London, Birmingham - France: Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux - Italy: Milan, Rome, Vicenza, Verona, Bologna - Netherlands: Amsterdam - Spain: Barcelona, Madrid