Exhibition stand builders

JEC Composites Show Paris - Great exhibition stand design and build

Essentially the most significant goals for Global acting companies when participating at JEC Composites Show Paris, the international exhibition for composite materials and their applications, is creating brand exposure.

With attractive exhibition stands, they not only concentrate on attention they put into practice and expose also the exceptional features of the brand. Once they create a sense of brand closeness, they automatically connect to the brand. Exhibition design focusing on a leadership and brand name recognition. Through Activteam, the exhibitors targets went more than product presentation and sales, precisely simply because the exhibition stand design show a level of prestige.

Companies who attended the trade show and constructed their stands with Activteam with the execution of important requirements in their presentations. The effective build up is a critical knowledge of the exhibition stand builder, capability of detail thinking and the understanding of complex demands. High visibility identifiable look to our brand and a leading image, created attention and the will coming atmosphere while in the exhibition stand has become experienced by Exhibitors Contracting the stand Builder Activteam.


While it's not an uncomplicated task to sign up for an exhibition and handle an creative exhibition stand design and build process, accomplishing this can in fact generate outstanding benefits and direct a product or service to being successful. A properly exhibition stand design and manufacturing combined with a mindfully-planned business presentation approach will maximizes key crucial business aspects.

Stand Design Ideas for JEC Composites Show

In the present very competing market, to stay in front of your competiror's, exhibitors will need to dboothistinguish themselves and actually differentiate from the rest, with a modern, unique, and attractive presentation.

An experienced and competent exhibition stand design and build company cooperating with our exhibition marketing team which have the skills to perform brilliant and up-to-date concepts. Contact our project management team. 

Activteam designs and build exhibition stands Europe wide:

Germany: Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hanover, Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Dortmund, Essen, Friedrichshafen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg, Stuttgart - UK: London, Birmingham - France: Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux - Italy: Milan, Rome, Vicenza, Verona, Bologna - Netherlands: Amsterdam - Spain: Barcelona, Madrid